Resistance Band Lying Bent Knee Raise

Resistance Band Lying Bent Knee Raise

The Resistance Band Lying Bent Knee Raise is a fantastic exercise that targets your lower abdominal muscles, primarily the rectus abdominis. This exercise is performed using a resistance band, which adds an extra challenge to your core muscles. It can be done in the comfort of your own home or at the gym, making it a convenient choice for those looking to strengthen their abs. To perform the Resistance Band Lying Bent Knee Raise, you will need to lie flat on your back on a mat or a bench. Place the resistance band around your feet and hold on to the ends of the band with your hands, keeping your arms extended by your sides. Bend your knees and bring them towards your chest while engaging your abs. Slowly lower your legs back down to the starting position, keeping tension on the band throughout the movement. By incorporating this exercise into your routine, you can improve your core stability and overall strength. Strong abs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also essential for maintaining your posture and preventing lower back pain. Remember to focus on maintaining proper form throughout the exercise, avoiding any swinging or momentum. As always, if you experience any discomfort or have any concerns, it's important to listen to your body and adjust the exercise as needed. Consistency, proper nutrition, and a well-rounded exercise program are key factors in achieving your fitness goals. So, add the Resistance Band Lying Bent Knee Raise to your routine and start working towards a stronger core today!


  • Lie down on your back on a mat or flat surface.
  • Place a resistance band around the bottom of your feet, holding the ends of the band with your hands.
  • Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the ground, ensuring that the band is securely in place.
  • Engage your core and keep your lower back pressed into the mat throughout the exercise.
  • From the starting position, slowly raise both of your knees together towards your chest, using the resistance from the band to provide tension.
  • Pause at the top of the movement and squeeze your abdominal muscles.
  • Lower your legs back down to the starting position in a controlled manner, feeling the resistance from the band.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Take breaks as needed, but aim to maintain a smooth and controlled motion throughout the exercise.
  • Remember to breathe consistently during the movement, inhaling on the way down and exhaling as you raise your knees.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on engaging your core muscles throughout the entire exercise.
  • Keep your movements slow and controlled to maximize muscle engagement.
  • Ensure that your lower back is pressing into the floor or mat at all times.
  • Exhale as you lift your knees towards your chest and inhale as you lower them back down.
  • Use a resistance band with appropriate tension to challenge your muscles.
  • Gradually increase the resistance or number of repetitions as you get stronger.
  • Incorporate variations such as single-leg bent knee raises or alternating bent knee raises to target different muscles.
  • Regularly stretch your hip flexors and hamstrings to maintain flexibility.
  • Pair this exercise with other core-strengthening exercises like plank variations or Russian twists.
  • Remember to consult with a fitness professional if you have any concerns or limitations.


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