Landmine Lever Bent over Row - Two Arms

Landmine Lever Bent over Row - Two Arms

The Landmine Lever Bent Over Row is an engaging and effective compound exercise targeting the upper back, lats, and biceps while also engaging the core for stability. Utilizing a barbell set in a landmine attachment or wedged securely in a corner, this variation of the bent-over row incorporates a unique angle of resistance that promotes muscle engagement and proper form. With the barbell anchored, you can effectively develop a stronger, more defined back with a reduced risk of strain or injury. This exercise emphasizes pulling through your elbows, allowing for a more focused contraction of the back muscles compared to traditional bent-over rows. The lever mechanics of the landmine setup help to distribute the weight evenly, making it easier to maintain proper posture and alignment throughout the movement. Importantly, the movement arc can be adjusted according to your strength levels and comfort, enabling both novice and experienced lifters to benefit from this exercise. Incorporating the Landmine Lever Bent Over Row into your workout routine not only helps in increasing muscle size and strength but also contributes to improved overall functional fitness. By building a strong back, you enhance your ability to perform daily activities and other lifts with greater ease. Additionally, this exercise can serve as a valuable addition to both hypertrophy and strength training programs, ensuring that your sessions remain fresh, challenging, and effective.


  • Start by setting up a barbell in a landmine attachment or securely in a corner to prevent it from rolling.
  • Stand facing the barbell, feet shoulder-width apart, and bend at the hips to lower your torso while keeping your back straight.
  • Grip the end of the barbell with both hands, ensuring your hands are positioned shoulder-width apart.
  • Engage your core to stabilize your body as you prepare for the lift.
  • Pull the barbell towards your lower ribcage, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.
  • Lower the barbell back to the starting position in a controlled manner.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining proper form throughout to avoid injury.

Tips & Tricks

  • Ensure proper stance with feet shoulder-width apart to maintain balance during the movement.
  • Engage your core throughout the exercise to stabilize your spine and prevent injury.
  • Keep the elbows close to the body to maximize engagement of the back muscles.
  • Focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together at the top of the movement for better muscle contraction.
  • Incorporate controlled eccentric motion to enhance muscle growth and strength.
  • Adjust the landmine angle for optimal range of motion depending on your comfort level.
  • Use a full range of motion by bringing the barbell toward your lower rib cage.
  • Incorporate variations in grip width to target different muscle groups within the back.
  • Perform the exercise in front of a mirror to monitor form and technique.
  • Utilize progressive overload by gradually increasing weight or repetitions to continue making gains.


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