Band pull through

Band pull through

The band pull-through is a fantastic exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, primarily the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. It involves using a resistance band, which adds an element of tension to challenge your muscles further. The movement requires good control and coordination, making it an excellent choice for those looking to strengthen their posterior chain. During the band pull-through, you'll start by looping a resistance band around a sturdy anchor point and standing facing away from it. Holding the band with both hands between your legs, you'll hinge at the hips and push your glutes back, allowing the band to stretch. From there, you'll drive your hips forward explosively, using the tension from the band to propel yourself back to a standing position. The band pull-through can be a great addition to your lower body workout routine or a dynamic warm-up exercise. It not only helps to build strength and power in the glutes and hamstrings but also engages the core and lower back muscles to a significant extent. Additionally, the use of resistance bands challenges stability and activates the smaller stabilizer muscles, promoting overall balance and coordination. Remember to perform the band pull-through with proper form, focusing on engaging the targeted muscle groups throughout the movement. Start with a lighter resistance band and gradually increase the tension as you gain strength and confidence. Incorporating this exercise into your fitness routine can contribute to improved athletic performance and help prevent injuries by reinforcing the muscles needed for daily activities or sports-related movements.


  • Place a resistance band around a sturdy anchor point, such as a squat rack or pole.
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and take a few steps forward to create tension in the band.
  • Bend at the hips and knees, maintaining a slight bend in your knees throughout the exercise.
  • Grasp the band with both hands and extend your arms straight out in front of you, keeping your back straight.
  • Initiate the movement by driving your hips forward and standing up tall, pulling the band through your legs.
  • Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement and then slowly reverse the motion, keeping tension on the band.
  • Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the movement
  • Engage your glutes and hamstrings to power the exercise
  • Control the band as you pull it through your legs
  • Use a band with enough tension to challenge your muscles
  • Incorporate this exercise into your lower body or full-body workout routine
  • Gradually increase the resistance of the band as you get stronger
  • Practice proper breathing technique to optimize your performance
  • Perform the exercise with a slow and controlled tempo
  • Keep your core engaged throughout the movement
  • Regularly evaluate and adjust your foot position for optimal stability and balance.


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