Korean dips

Korean dips

Korean dips, also known as tricep dips, are an effective upper body exercise that primarily targets the triceps muscles. This exercise can be done using parallel bars or sturdy furniture at home, making it a convenient option for both gym and home workouts. Korean dips are great for developing strength and muscle tone in the triceps, which are essential for various pushing movements like push-ups and bench presses. By engaging the triceps, this exercise also activates the shoulders and chest muscles to a certain extent, providing a well-rounded upper body workout. To perform Korean dips, you'll position yourself between two parallel bars or sturdy surfaces, with your hands gripping each bar or surface behind you. Your legs should be straight and extended in front of you, heels touching the ground, and your body slightly leaning forward. Then, lower your body by bending your elbows, until your upper arms are parallel to the ground, and push yourself back up to the starting position. Adding Korean dips to your fitness routine can help you build stronger triceps, which not only enhances the appearance of your arms but also improves overall upper body strength and functional fitness. Remember to maintain proper form, engage your core, and start with a weight or intensity level that challenges you without causing any discomfort or pain. Keep progressing gradually to optimize your results and prevent plateaus. Incorporate this exercise into a well-rounded workout routine, combining it with other upper body exercises and resistance training for a more comprehensive approach to fitness.


  • Start by placing a pair of parallel bars slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Grab onto the bars and lift your body off the ground, supporting your weight with your arms straight and your feet crossed behind you.
  • Bend your elbows and lower your body until your upper arms are parallel to the ground.
  • From the bottom position, push through your hands and extend your arms to lift your body back up to the starting position.
  • Remember to keep your core engaged and maintain a straight line from your head to your heels throughout the exercise.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Maintain proper form throughout the exercise to engage the targeted muscles effectively.
  • Focus on slow and controlled movements to increase the intensity and maximize muscle activation.
  • Incorporate progressive overload by gradually increasing the resistance or difficulty of the exercise.
  • Combine Korean dips with other exercises to create a well-rounded upper body workout routine.
  • Ensure proper nutrition and hydration to support muscle growth and repair.
  • Listen to your body and rest when needed to prevent overuse injuries and aid in recovery.
  • Warm up before performing Korean dips to increase blood flow and decrease the risk of injury.
  • Engage your core muscles throughout the exercise to support your body and maintain stability.
  • Pay attention to your breathing pattern during the exercise to ensure sufficient oxygen supply.
  • Consider adding variations or modifications, such as using a dip machine or resistance bands, to further challenge yourself.


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