Kneeling Rotational Push-up

Kneeling Rotational Push-up

The Kneeling Rotational Push-Up is a challenging upper body exercise that targets the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms, and core. This exercise is a variation of the traditional push-up and adds an element of rotational movement, increasing the level of difficulty and engaging more muscles. To perform the Kneeling Rotational Push-Up, assume a kneeling position on the floor with hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keeping the body in a straight line from head to knees, lower the chest towards the floor by bending the elbows, just like in a regular push-up. As you push yourself back up, rotate your body to one side, extending one arm towards the ceiling while keeping the other hand on the ground. Lower yourself back down and repeat on the opposite side. This exercise not only helps to strengthen the chest, shoulders, and triceps but also engages the muscles of the core, including the abs and obliques. It improves stability and balance while challenging your upper body strength. Adding this exercise to your workout routine can help enhance your overall upper body development and functional fitness. As with any exercise, it is important to use proper form and technique to prevent injury. Engage your core muscles, maintain a straight line from head to knees, and avoid sagging or arching your back. Remember to start with a weight or difficulty level that is appropriate for your fitness level and gradually progress as you become stronger. Whether you choose to do the Kneeling Rotational Push-Up at home or at the gym, it is a versatile exercise that can be performed using your body weight or by incorporating additional resistance, such as dumbbells or resistance bands. Experiment with different variations and modifications to keep challenging your muscles and avoid plateauing. Remember to always listen to your body, warm up properly before exercising, and adjust the intensity or range of motion if needed. Incorporating this exercise into your workout routine can help you take your upper body strength and stability to the next level.


  • Start in a kneeling position with your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor.
  • Extend your legs behind you and lift your body into a plank position, keeping your hands directly under your shoulders.
  • Lower your body towards the floor by bending your elbows, while keeping your core engaged and your back straight.
  • As you lower your body, rotate your torso to one side and reach your opposite hand towards the ceiling.
  • Push back up to the starting position while rotating your torso back to the center.
  • Repeat the push-up while rotating to the other side.
  • Continue alternating sides with each repetition.
  • Focus on maintaining proper form and engaging your core throughout the exercise.

Tips & Tricks

  • Engage your core muscles throughout the entire movement to maintain stability and control.
  • Focus on proper form and technique to avoid straining your neck and lower back.
  • Keep your shoulders down and back to prevent them from hunching or rolling forward.
  • Breathe out as you push away from the floor to help activate your chest and shoulder muscles.
  • Gradually increase the intensity by performing the exercise on an unstable surface, such as a stability ball.
  • To challenge your obliques even more, rotate your body fully during the push-up phase, reaching one arm towards the ceiling.
  • Incorporate this exercise into your upper body workout routine to target your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles.
  • If you experience wrist discomfort, try performing the exercise on your fists or using push-up handles to reduce strain.
  • Remember to warm up before attempting this exercise to prepare your muscles and joints for movement.
  • Listen to your body and start with the modified version of this exercise, such as performing it with your knees on the ground, if needed.


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