Kettlebell Gobelt Curtsey Lunge

Kettlebell Gobelt Curtsey Lunge

The Kettlebell Goblet Curtsey Lunge is a dynamic lower body exercise that engages multiple muscle groups while also challenging your balance and stability. This exercise combines elements of the traditional goblet squat and curtsey lunge to create a unique movement that targets your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles. To perform the Kettlebell Goblet Curtsey Lunge, you will need a kettlebell of an appropriate weight for your fitness level. Start by gripping the kettlebell with both hands, holding it close to your chest, and standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Begin by stepping back diagonally with one foot, crossing it behind your other leg, and lowering your body into a lunge position. Make sure to keep your front knee aligned with your ankle and maintain an upright torso throughout the movement. As you come back up, push through the heel of your front foot and return to the starting position. Repeat the movement on the opposite side. This exercise targets your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes as you perform the lunge motion. The kettlebell in the goblet position helps to engage your core muscles, requiring stability and balance. Additionally, the asymmetric nature of the curtsey lunge adds an extra challenge by activating muscles in different planes of motion. You can incorporate the Kettlebell Goblet Curtsey Lunge into your lower body or full-body workout routine to enhance strength, endurance, and overall functional fitness. Remember to always start with a weight that allows you to maintain proper form throughout the exercise. Gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable and proficient with the movement. And as with any exercise, it's essential to listen to your body, perform the exercise at your own pace, and consult with a fitness professional if you have any concerns or pre-existing conditions.


  • Start by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart, holding a kettlebell in front of your chest with both hands, elbows pointing down.
  • Take a big step diagonally back with your right foot, crossing it behind your left leg.
  • Bend both knees and lower your body into a lunge position. Ensure your left knee is directly above your left ankle and your right knee is hovering just above the floor.
  • Push through your left heel and return to the starting position, maintaining control and balance throughout the movement.
  • Repeat the lunge on the opposite side, stepping back with your left foot and crossing it behind your right leg.
  • Continue alternating sides for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Remember to engage your core, keep your chest lifted, and maintain a smooth, controlled motion throughout the exercise.
  • Adjust the weight of the kettlebell to suit your fitness level, gradually increasing as you become stronger and more comfortable with the movement.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on proper form and technique throughout the movement
  • Engage your core muscles to maintain balance and stability
  • Start with a lighter kettlebell weight and gradually increase as you become more comfortable and stronger
  • Incorporate the exercise into a larger circuit or workout routine to maximize its benefits
  • Remember to breathe consistently throughout the exercise
  • Regularly stretch and mobilize your hips and glutes to improve flexibility for this exercise
  • Maintain an upright posture and avoid rounding your back or hunching forward
  • Take your time and perform the exercise at a controlled pace rather than rushing through the movement
  • Listen to your body and modify the exercise if you experience any pain or discomfort
  • Consult a fitness professional for personalized guidance and to ensure proper technique.


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