Weighted Push-up with Vest

Weighted Push-up with Vest

The Weighted Push-up with Vest is a challenging variation of the classic push-up exercise that adds an extra element of difficulty and intensity to your upper body workout. By incorporating a weighted vest, you increase the resistance placed on your chest, arms, shoulders, and core muscles, making the exercise more productive and effective. This exercise primarily targets your chest muscles, specifically the pectoralis major, as well as the triceps located on the back of your arms. Moreover, your anterior deltoids (shoulders) and the muscles of your core engage to stabilize your body throughout the movement. By performing this exercise regularly, you can develop greater upper body strength, increase muscle mass, and enhance overall muscular endurance. One of the biggest advantages of the Weighted Push-up with Vest is that it can be done either at home or in a gym setting. By using a weighted vest, you can easily adjust the resistance according to your fitness level and gradually progress over time. This exercise also allows for a full range of motion, engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making it an efficient choice for those looking to maximize their workout time. It is important to note that before attempting the Weighted Push-up with Vest, it is essential to have a solid foundation of upper body strength and proper push-up form. Begin by mastering the basic push-up and gradually increase your strength and endurance before adding the weighted vest. Always ensure you have the vest securely fastened and properly adjusted to maintain stability and reduce the risk of injury. In conclusion, the Weighted Push-up with Vest is an excellent exercise for individuals seeking a challenging and effective upper body workout. With proper form and consistent practice, this exercise can help you develop strength, improve muscle tone, and enhance overall fitness levels. Remember to start with a weight that is appropriate for your current fitness level and gradually progress as your strength increases.


  • Begin in a push-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your feet together.
  • Place a weighted vest on your torso, ensuring it is secure and evenly distributed.
  • Engage your core, squeeze your glutes, and keep your body in a straight line from head to toe.
  • Bend your elbows and lower your body towards the ground, keeping your elbows at a 45-degree angle to your body.
  • Pause briefly when your chest is just above the ground.
  • Push through your hands and extend your arms to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Start with a weight vest that is appropriate for your fitness level and gradually increase the weight as you progress.
  • Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the exercise, with your body in a straight line and core engaged.
  • Perform the exercise on stable ground or a mat to ensure balance and stability.
  • Control the descent phase by lowering your body slowly, giving your muscles more time under tension.
  • Engage your chest, shoulders, and triceps during the pushing phase by squeezing them together at the top.
  • Don't forget to breathe properly throughout the exercise, inhaling on the way down and exhaling on the way up.
  • To modify the intensity, you can elevate your feet on a bench or step.
  • Allow adequate rest and recovery between sets to prevent overtraining and maximize muscle growth.
  • Ensure your weight vest is secure and properly adjusted before starting the exercise.
  • Listen to your body and stop the exercise if you experience any pain or discomfort.


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