Bodyweight Step up on Stepbox

Bodyweight Step up on Stepbox

The Bodyweight Step up on Stepbox is a versatile exercise that targets the lower body muscles, especially the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. It is an ideal exercise for individuals looking to build strength, improve balance, and enhance their overall lower body stability. The main equipment you need for this exercise is a sturdy step box or platform that is just above knee height. This can easily be replicated at home using a sturdy bench or a set of stairs. The beauty of the Bodyweight Step up on Stepbox is that it requires no additional weights, making it a convenient exercise for both home and gym workouts. To perform this exercise, simply step onto the platform using one leg, ensuring that the entire foot is securely placed on the surface. Push through the heel of the front foot and lift your body up onto the step. Keep the core engaged and the spine neutral throughout the movement. Then, slowly lower back down to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. To add intensity, you can increase the height of the platform, perform the exercise at a faster pace, or incorporate knee drives to engage the core and add a cardio component to the exercise. Additionally, the Bodyweight Step up on Stepbox can be modified to target specific muscles by executing the exercise with an externally rotated or staggered stance. Remember to always listen to your body and start with a height and pace that feels comfortable and challenging but not overly strenuous. Incorporate this exercise into your routine a few times a week to see improvements in lower body strength, balance, and stability. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, the Bodyweight Step up on Stepbox is an excellent choice for a well-rounded lower body workout.


  • Start by standing facing a stepbox or platform of appropriate height.
  • Place one foot flat on the stepbox, ensuring the entire foot is in contact with the surface.
  • Press through the heel and step up, lifting your entire body weight.
  • Extend the opposite leg backward as you lift your body up.
  • Maintain a tall and upright posture throughout the movement.
  • Once you reach the top, pause momentarily and squeeze your glutes.
  • Gently lower your body back down by stepping down with the trailing leg first.
  • Return the stepping leg to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions and then switch sides.

Tips & Tricks

  • Warm up before starting the exercise to increase blood flow and prepare your muscles for the movement.
  • Focus on using the muscles in your legs, particularly the quadriceps and glutes, to drive yourself up onto the stepbox.
  • Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the exercise to maintain stability and control.
  • Maintain a steady pace and avoid using momentum to ensure proper form and maximize muscle activation.
  • If you find the exercise too easy, try adding weights such as dumbbells or a weighted vest to increase the challenge.
  • To make the exercise more challenging, increase the height of the stepbox or consider incorporating variations like lateral step ups or step up jumps.
  • Take care to land softly on the stepbox to protect your joints and prevent injury.
  • Breathe naturally throughout the exercise, exhaling during the exertion phase and inhaling during the lowering phase.
  • Listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain or discomfort. Modify or regress the exercise as needed.
  • Maintain proper posture throughout the exercise by keeping your shoulders back and your chest lifted.


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