Cable Kneeling Shoulder External Rotation

Cable Kneeling Shoulder External Rotation

The cable kneeling shoulder external rotation is a highly effective exercise that targets the muscles in the shoulders and upper back. This exercise is especially beneficial for individuals looking to improve shoulder stability, strengthen the rotator cuff muscles, and enhance overall upper body strength and mobility. To perform the cable kneeling shoulder external rotation, you'll need a cable machine with an adjustable pulley and a D-handle attachment. Begin by attaching the D-handle to the cable machine at shoulder height. Kneel down, facing the machine, and position yourself so that your side is in line with the cable. Grasp the handle with the hand closest to the machine, keeping a firm grip. While keeping your arm close to your body and your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle, slowly rotate your shoulder outward, away from the machine. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together as you perform this movement. It's essential to maintain proper form throughout the exercise. Avoid shrugging your shoulders or using momentum to complete the rotation. Instead, engage your core for stability and control the movement with a slow and controlled tempo. The cable kneeling shoulder external rotation is an excellent exercise for individuals of all fitness levels. However, it's crucial to start with a light weight and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable with the movement. As always, remember to breathe properly and listen to your body's limits. Incorporating the cable kneeling shoulder external rotation into your workout routine can help improve your posture, enhance shoulder mobility, and prevent potential shoulder injuries. For optimal results, include this exercise in a well-rounded upper body workout, combining it with other exercises targeting the shoulders, back, and arms.


  • Begin by attaching a cable handle to a low pulley on a cable machine.
  • Position yourself perpendicular to the cable machine with your knees on the ground and your torso upright.
  • Grasp the cable handle with the hand on the same side as the knee that is on the ground.
  • Start with your upper arm parallel to the ground and your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Engage your core and keep your back straight throughout the exercise.
  • Keeping your upper arm stationary, exhale and externally rotate your shoulder by pulling the cable away from your body.
  • Pause for a second at the fully rotated position.
  • Inhale and slowly return to the starting position, controlling the movement.
  • Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions and then switch sides.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on proper form and technique to maximize shoulder muscle activation.
  • Increase the resistance gradually to build strength and challenge your muscles.
  • Remember to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise for stability.
  • Control the movement throughout the entire range of motion to fully engage the shoulder muscles.
  • Determine the appropriate weight that allows you to perform 10-15 repetitions with good form.
  • Perform this exercise at least two times a week to promote shoulder strength and stability.
  • Incorporate other shoulder exercises, such as lateral raises and front raises, for a well-rounded shoulder workout.
  • Listen to your body and avoid any pain or discomfort during the exercise.
  • Stay consistent with your workouts and gradually progress to more challenging variations.
  • Proper nutrition and adequate rest are crucial to support muscle recovery and growth.


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