Cable Incline Fly (on stability ball)

Cable Incline Fly (on stability ball)

The Cable Incline Fly (on stability ball) is an advanced exercise that targets the muscles in your chest, specifically the pectoralis major and minor. This exercise involves using a cable machine and a stability ball to create instability, which engages your core muscles for added balance and strength. To perform the Cable Incline Fly (on stability ball), you'll need to set up a cable machine with the pulleys set at a high position. Then, position a stability ball in front of the machine. Carefully sit on the stability ball and walk your feet forward until your upper back is resting comfortably on the ball. Make sure your head, neck, and upper back are all supported by the ball. Next, grab the handles of the cable machine with an overhand grip and extend your arms straight above your chest. From this starting position, slowly lower your arms out to the sides, bringing your hands down and slightly backward. Keep your elbows slightly bent throughout the movement to protect your joints. As you bring your arms back up to the starting position, focus on squeezing your chest muscles and maintaining control. It's important to engage your core and keep your body stable on the stability ball throughout the exercise. Aim for a slow and controlled tempo, focusing on maintaining proper form and breathing steadily. Incorporating the Cable Incline Fly (on stability ball) into your workout routine can help strengthen your chest muscles, improve stability, and enhance overall upper body strength. Remember to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable and proficient with the exercise. As always, consult a fitness professional to ensure proper form and technique for optimal results.


  • Set up a cable machine with the handles at a height slightly higher than shoulder level.
  • Place a stability ball about 1-2 feet away from the machine, with the head and upper back resting on the ball.
  • Hold the handles with your palms facing each other and extend your arms straight up, keeping a slight bend in the elbows.
  • Engage your chest muscles and slowly lower your arms out to the sides, allowing your shoulders to stretch.
  • Pause for a moment and then squeeze your chest muscles to bring your arms back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Keep your core engaged and maintain stability on the stability ball throughout the exercise.

Tips & Tricks

  • Maintain proper form throughout the exercise to ensure maximum effectiveness and prevent injury.
  • Incorporate a warm-up and cool-down routine to prepare the muscles and aid in recovery.
  • Focus on engaging the chest muscles during the movement, avoiding excessive involvement of the shoulders or arms.
  • Select a suitable weight/resistance that challenges your muscles without compromising proper form.
  • Contract your chest muscles at the top of the movement and control the eccentric (lowering) phase for optimal muscle activation.
  • Ensure a stable and balanced position on the stability ball to enhance core engagement and stability.
  • Maintain a consistent breathing pattern to provide oxygen to your muscles and optimize performance.
  • Progressively increase the resistance or weight over time to continually challenge your chest muscles and promote growth.
  • Listen to your body and adjust the exercise intensity or range of motion if you experience any discomfort or pain.
  • Incorporate variations of the exercise, such as alternating incline angles or using different grips, to target different areas of the chest.


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