Suspension Single Leg Deadlift

Suspension Single Leg Deadlift

The Suspension Single Leg Deadlift is a challenging exercise that targets multiple muscles in the lower body, including the glutes, hamstrings, and calves, while also engaging the core for stability. This exercise is performed using suspension straps or TRX bands, which adds an extra level of difficulty and requires greater control and balance. One of the key benefits of the Suspension Single Leg Deadlift is its ability to improve hip stability and strengthen the posterior chain. This is essential for enhancing athletic performance, as well as preventing injuries in activities that involve sprinting, jumping, or any explosive movements. By isolating one leg at a time, this exercise also helps to correct muscle imbalances. Many individuals may not be aware that they favor one leg over the other, leading to potential asymmetry and increased injury risk. The Suspension Single Leg Deadlift helps to address these imbalances and builds strength evenly on both sides of the body. Additionally, this exercise also activates the smaller stabilizing muscles in the ankles and feet, improving overall stability and reducing the risk of ankle sprains or other lower leg injuries. It also requires a significant amount of core engagement to maintain balance throughout the movement, effectively targeting the abdominal muscles. Incorporating the Suspension Single Leg Deadlift into your training routine can not only help to improve strength, stability, and balance, but it also adds variety and challenges your muscles in a different way compared to traditional deadlifts or other lower body exercises. Remember to start with lighter resistance or bodyweight and gradually increase the difficulty as you become more proficient in the exercise.


  • Begin by attaching the suspension trainer to a secure anchor point at the appropriate height.
  • Stand facing the anchor point with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Hold the handles or cradles of the suspension trainer firmly.
  • Shift your weight into one foot, engaging your core and maintaining a neutral spine.
  • Slowly lift your other leg off the ground, extending it straight behind you.
  • While maintaining balance, hinge forward at the hips and lower your torso towards the ground.
  • Keep your standing leg slightly bent and your back straight throughout the movement.
  • Lower your torso until it is parallel to the ground, or until you feel a stretch in your hamstring.
  • Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement, then engage your glutes and hamstrings to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions before switching sides.

Tips & Tricks

  • Maintain proper form and alignment throughout the exercise.
  • Increase the challenge by performing the exercise on an unstable surface, like a balance trainer or BOSU ball.
  • Engage your core muscles to provide stability and control as you perform the movement.
  • Start with a lighter resistance or body weight and gradually increase the load as you gain strength and stability.
  • Focus on a slow and controlled eccentric (lowering) phase of the exercise to maximize muscle activation.
  • Don't rush the movement; make sure to maintain control and balance at all times.
  • Incorporate unilateral exercises into your routine to improve balance and stability.
  • Ensure proper breathing technique during the exercise to optimize performance and prevent unnecessary strain.
  • Listen to your body; if you experience any pain or discomfort, modify the exercise or consult a fitness professional for guidance.
  • Integrate this exercise into a well-rounded workout program that includes a variety of movements to target all major muscle groups.


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