Kneeling Push up to Child Pose

Kneeling Push up to Child Pose

The Kneeling Push up to Child Pose is a dynamic exercise that targets multiple muscle groups in the upper body, core, and back. This compound movement effectively engages the chest, shoulders, triceps, abs, and lower back muscles. It is a fantastic exercise for individuals who are looking to enhance upper body strength, improve core stability, and increase overall flexibility. Starting in a kneeling position, with your knees hip-width apart and hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the ground, lower your upper body towards the floor while keeping your core tight and engaged. As you push back up to the starting position, shift your weight back onto your heels and push your hips upward into a Child Pose position, allowing your forehead to rest on the floor and your arms to reach forward. This exercise offers a wide range of benefits. Strengthening the chest, shoulders, and triceps helps to enhance upper body definition and can assist in tasks that require pushing or pressing. Additionally, engaging the core muscles aids in overall stability and can contribute to improved posture and spinal alignment. The transition from the push up into Child Pose stretches the back muscles, promoting flexibility and relaxation. Incorporating the Kneeling Push up to Child Pose into your workout routine a few times a week can yield significant results in terms of strength, stability, and flexibility. Remember to maintain proper form throughout the movement, breathe deeply, and listen to your body's signals. Modify the exercise as necessary by adjusting the width of your hand placement or by using a resistance band for added difficulty. Challenge yourself, but always prioritize safety and listen to your body's limits. Happy workouts!


  • Start by kneeling on the ground with your hands positioned directly under your shoulders.
  • Slowly lower your upper body towards the ground by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your body.
  • Continue lowering your body until your chest touches the ground, or you reach a comfortable position.
  • Once you have reached the lowest point of the push-up, push through your hands to raise your upper body back up.
  • As you return to the starting position, shift your hips back towards your heels and sit back on your feet.
  • Extend your arms fully in front of you and lower your forehead towards the ground, sinking into a child's pose.
  • Hold the child's pose for a few seconds, focusing on deep breathing and stretching the muscles of your upper body.
  • To complete the exercise, return to the starting position by pushing through your hands and returning to the kneeling position.

Tips & Tricks

  • Engage your core muscles throughout the movement to maintain proper form.
  • Focus on controlled and smooth movements rather than speed.
  • Breathe deeply and exhale as you push up from the kneeling position.
  • Maintain a neutral spine alignment throughout the exercise.
  • Gradually increase the difficulty by extending the distance between your hands and knees.
  • Incorporate variations such as shoulder taps or knee lifts to increase the challenge.
  • Listen to your body and take breaks or modify the exercise if needed.
  • Stretch your chest and shoulders after performing the exercise to prevent tightness.
  • Ensure that your wrists are aligned with your shoulders during the push-up.
  • To further engage your abs, draw your belly button towards your spine.


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