Roll Ball Scapula Levator (VERSION 2)

Roll Ball Scapula Levator (VERSION 2)

The Roll Ball Scapula Levator (Version 2) is a dynamic exercise that targets the scapula levator muscles, also known as the rhomboids. This exercise is designed to improve the function and stability of the scapular region, which plays a vital role in maintaining proper posture and shoulder mechanics. To perform this exercise, you will need an exercise ball and a stable surface. Begin by sitting on the exercise ball with your feet firmly planted on the floor, hip-width apart. Engage your core muscles to maintain a stable and upright posture. Hold the exercise ball with both hands in front of your chest, keeping your elbows slightly bent and close to your body. Begin the movement by rolling the ball forward, extending your arms straight out in front of you. As you roll the ball forward, focus on retracting and depressing your scapulae (shoulder blades). Once your arms are fully extended, reverse the motion by pulling the ball back towards your chest, while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Throughout the movement, maintain a controlled and smooth motion, avoiding any jerking or excessive swinging. This exercise can be modified to increase or decrease the intensity by adjusting the size of the exercise ball or incorporating light dumbbells for added resistance. It is important to perform this exercise with proper form and control to maximize its benefits and reduce the risk of injury. Incorporating the Roll Ball Scapula Levator (Version 2) into your regular fitness routine can assist in strengthening the muscles responsible for proper scapular movement and stability, ultimately promoting a healthy posture and reducing the risk of shoulder injuries. Remember to always warm up properly before beginning any exercise and consult with a fitness professional for personalized advice.


  • Start by lying face down on a mat or on the floor.
  • Place a small exercise ball under your chin so that your forehead rests on the ball.
  • Extend your arms straight out in front of you, with your palms facing down.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you lift your arms and upper body off the ground.
  • Keep your neck in a neutral position as you raise your upper body.
  • Hold this position for a moment, then slowly lower your upper body and arms back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Engage your core muscles to stabilize your body throughout the exercise.
  • Focus on using your scapula and levator muscles to initiate and control the rolling motion.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and avoid shrugging them during the movement.
  • Maintain a slow and controlled pace throughout the exercise to maximize muscle activation.
  • Breathe regularly and avoid holding your breath during the movement.
  • Perform the exercise on a stable surface or mat to ensure proper body alignment and to prevent slipping.
  • If using a ball, choose one that is the appropriate size and firmness for your comfort and stability.
  • Start with lighter resistance or smaller range of motion, gradually increasing intensity as you gain strength and control.
  • If you experience any pain or discomfort, modify the exercise or seek guidance from a fitness professional.
  • Consider incorporating stretching and mobility exercises for the muscles involved in this movement for optimal performance and injury prevention.


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