PVC Pass Through

PVC Pass Through

The PVC Pass Through is a versatile exercise that targets the muscles of the upper body, primarily focusing on the shoulders and upper back. This exercise is often used as a warm-up or mobility drill to improve shoulder flexibility and posture. To perform the PVC Pass Through, you will need a PVC pipe or broomstick. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding the PVC pipe with a wide grip in front of your thighs. Keeping your arms straight, slowly lift the PVC pipe over your head and behind your back, trying to bring it as low as possible without bending your elbows. Then, reverse the movement and bring the PVC pipe back to the starting position in front of your thighs. Repeat this motion for several repetitions, focusing on maintaining good posture and a controlled movement throughout. The PVC Pass Through is an excellent exercise to help counteract the effects of prolonged sitting and poor posture. It stretches the chest muscles, which often become tight and rounded from sitting at a desk or computer for extended periods. Additionally, it strengthens and stabilizes the muscles of the upper back, promoting better posture and reducing the risk of shoulder injuries. Incorporating this exercise into your routine can also improve shoulder mobility and range of motion, making it a valuable addition to any upper body workout. Remember to start with a lightweight PVC pipe or broomstick if you are new to this exercise. Gradually increase the difficulty by using a thicker pipe or introducing weight plates if you feel comfortable and confident with the movement. As with any exercise, proper form is crucial, so pay attention to your body's feedback and adjust the range of motion accordingly. Enjoy the benefits of the PVC Pass Through as part of your regular fitness routine!


  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a PVC pipe with a wide grip in front of your body.
  • Start with the PVC pipe at shoulder height and palms facing down.
  • Keeping your arms straight, slowly raise the PVC pipe overhead and behind your body.
  • As you move the PVC pipe behind your body, rotate your palms so they are facing up.
  • Continue to raise the PVC pipe until it is in line with your lower back or as far as is comfortable.
  • Reverse the movement and bring the PVC pipe back to the starting position, while maintaining a wide grip and straight arms.
  • Repeat the movement for the recommended number of repetitions.
  • Remember to breathe throughout the exercise and engage your core for stability.

Tips & Tricks

  • Warm up before performing PVC pass throughs to increase mobility and prevent injury.
  • Focus on maintaining good posture throughout the movement by keeping your core engaged and shoulders pulled back.
  • Start with a wider grip on the PVC pipe and gradually work your hands closer together as your shoulder mobility improves.
  • Perform the movement in a slow and controlled manner to fully engage the muscles and increase flexibility.
  • If you experience any pain or discomfort during the exercise, stop immediately and consult with a fitness professional.
  • Incorporate PVC pass throughs into your upper body workout routine to improve shoulder flexibility and mobility.
  • Combine PVC pass throughs with other exercises that target the shoulders, such as overhead presses or lateral raises, for a comprehensive upper body workout.
  • For added challenge and variation, perform PVC pass throughs in a standing position rather than sitting or kneeling.
  • If you don't have a PVC pipe, you can use a broomstick or any other long, lightweight object to perform the pass throughs.
  • Remember to breathe evenly and avoid holding your breath while performing PVC pass throughs.


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