Looking for the Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout? Discover This 15-Minute HIIT Routine!

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Are you ready to torch calories and boost your fitness level in just 15 minutes? This High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout is meticulously designed to target every muscle group using only your body weight. With 15 exercises focusing on strength, endurance, and core stability, this routine is perfect for those with a tight schedule. Let’s dive into each exercise and its benefits:

**High Knee Skips:** Jumpstart your workout with High Knee Skips, engaging your lower body and cardiovascular system. This exercise is a fantastic way to elevate your heart rate and improve your agility.

**Bodyweight Full Squat with Overhead Press:** Maximize your calorie burn with this compound movement that targets your legs and shoulders. The added overhead press enhances upper body strength while the squat works on your glutes and quads.

**Curtsey Squat:** Curtsey Squats are excellent for toning your inner and outer thighs while improving your balance and coordination. This exercise also targets your glutes effectively.

**Kneeling Push-up:** A modified version of the traditional push-up, this exercise emphasizes your chest, shoulders, and triceps while being easier on your joints.

**Bodyweight Kneeling Triceps Extension:** Focus on your triceps with this isometric exercise, which will help build arm strength and definition.

**Floor Crunches:** Strengthen your core muscles with Floor Crunches. This classic move isolates the upper abdominal muscles for comprehensive core conditioning.

**Lying Prone A:** Target your lower back and improve your posture with Lying Prone A. This exercise engages the posterior chain, crucial for a balanced physique.

**Lying Prone W to T:** Elevate your upper back strength with Lying Prone W to T. Transitioning between W and T shapes activates various angles of your shoulder muscles.

**Lying Prone W to Y:** Like the previous drill, this variant focuses on the upper back and shoulders. Transitioning from W to Y shapes helps in the overall development of upper body musculature.

**Bicycle Crunch:** Enhance your oblique strength and improve your core stability with Bicycle Crunches. This dynamic movement also adds a cardio element to your workout.

**Alternate Leg Raise:** An effective exercise to target your lower abs, Alternate Leg Raise also helps in improving hip flexor strength and flexibility.

**Lying Leg Lift with Hip Raise:** Boost your lower abdominal strength even further with Lying Leg Lift with Hip Raise. The additional hip raise intensifies the workout, offering better results.

**Flutter Kicks:** These are fantastic for core endurance and lower body strength. Flutter Kicks challenge your abs and hip flexors, promoting higher calorie burn.

**90 Degree Alternate Heel Touch:** Focus on your obliques with this fun twist on traditional ab exercises. 90 Degree Heel Touches are great for improving your core and oblique muscles.

**Cocoons:** Complete your workout with Cocoons. This full-body core exercise engages multiple muscle groups, helping you end your routine on a high note.

This 15-minute HIIT workout is an efficient way to achieve your fitness goals, whether you're a beginner or advanced athlete. With only your body weight and a determination to succeed, you can torch calories, build strength, and enhance endurance right at home. Give it a shot and experience the transformation!

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  • #Exercise / Sets
    1High Knee Skips1 set • :40.
    High Knee Skips
    2Bodyweight Full Squat with Overhead Press1 set • :40.
    Bodyweight Full Squat with Overhead Press
    3Curtsey Squat1 set • :40.
    Curtsey Squat
    4Kneeling Push-up1 set • :40.
    Kneeling Push-up
    5Bodyweight Kneeling Triceps Extension1 set • :40.
    Bodyweight Kneeling Triceps Extension
    6Floor Crunches1 set • :40.
    Floor Crunches
    7Lying Prone A1 set • :40.
    Lying Prone A
    8Lying Prone W to T1 set • :40.
    Lying Prone W to T
    9Lying Prone W to Y1 set • :40.
    Lying Prone W to Y
    10Bicycle Crunch1 set • :40.
    Bicycle Crunch
    11Alternate Leg Raise1 set • :40.
    Alternate Leg Raise
    12Lying Leg Lift with Hip Raise 1 set • :40.
    Lying Leg Lift with Hip Raise
    13Flutter Kicks1 set • :40.
    Flutter Kicks
    1490 Degree Alternate Heel Touch1 set • :40.
    90 Degree Alternate Heel Touch
    15Cocoons1 set • :40.
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